------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Deus Ex Machina Communications / Pik A Program Order Form | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- THANK YOU FOR REGISTERING YOUR SHAREWARE! NOTE: Pik A Program CAN ONLY HANDLE ORDERS FOR STEGANOS WITHIN THE USA AND CANADA. IF YOU ARE OUTSIDE THESE COUNTRIES PLEASE CLICK ON "Ordering Steganos (UK)" or "Ordering Steganos (all other countries) IN THE STEGANOS PROGRAM GROUP. Important: If you are ordering by mail, e-mail, or fax, please completely fill out this form and send it in. If you are sending a check or money order, please make sure that payment is made in US funds drawn on a US bank. Technical support is not available from Pik A Program. For any technical help, please contact Deus Ex Machina Communications directly online: Internet: steganos-support@demcom.com WWW: http://www.steganography.com CompuServe: 100735,12 For registered users of any program which Pik A Program distributes, who do not already have access to Compuserve, we can supply a FREE Compuserve membership with a $15.00 usage credit and access software. This is much more than enough online time to have your technical support questions answered, and still have some fun! For the fastest service, you may register with your credit card online on the internet, and immediately be able to download the registered version of our software. Plus, you save the postage! Visit us at www.pik.com for more information on this. You may mail, fax, e-mail, or phone in your order. Please send the completed registration form, along with payment to Pik A Program, Inc. at: Pik A Program, Inc. (tm) TOLL FREE (ORDERS ONLY) 1-800-TOREGISTER 13 Saint Marks Place (867-3447) NY, NY 10003 Telephone (212) 598-4939 USA Fax (212) 228-5879 Compuserve: 74777,3233 Internet: sales@pik.com ________________________________________________________________________ (Name) ________________________________________________________________________ (Company) ________________________________________________________________________ (Street1) ________________________________________________________________________ (Street2) ________________________________________________________________________ (Town) (State) (Zip) ________________________________________________________________________ (Telephone) (Fax) (Country if outside USA) ________________________________________________________________________ (e-mail address) Shipping $4.00 for your entire order, whether you order 1 or 100 items. QUANTITY ITEM PRICE EACH TOTAL ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Steganos for Windows 95 License for individual usage (*) US $39.95 US$ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Steganos for Windows 95 License for business usage (*) US $59.95 US$ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shipping US $ 4.00 US$ 4.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TAX (NYS residents only) ___ % US$ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL: US$ ================ (*) One license of Steganos for Windows 95 is limited to use on only a single personal computer or workstation which is not used as a server. Orders are sent on 3.5" diskettes unless otherwise requested. Prices good through 12/97, subject to change thereafter. I am paying by: ( ) CHECK ( ) VISACARD ( ) MASTERCARD ( ) AMERICAN EXPRESS ( ) CASH (by registered mail only, please) ( ) DISCOVER CARD Number ______-______-______-______ Exp. date ___-___ ____________________________________________ ______-______-______ (Signature) (Date) We would appreciate it if you would tell us where did you first heard about this program. Thanks for your cooperation. [] BBS/Online service - which one?____________________________________ [] Internet - which site?______________________________________ [] Friend [] retail store package [] CD-ROM ____________________ [] magazine - which one?_________________________________ [] other - ______________________________________________ Do you have a cd-rom? [] yes [] no The shareware version of all the programs Pik A Program distributes may be downloaded from the following locations: Internet: www.pik.com Compuserve: GO PIKAPRO (PCVENH, section 18)